Two people dangling their feet over the edge of the world

ALAA HASANIN – Translated by: Ibrahim Al-Sharif   To Rita Graham     And at last here we are on the edge of the world sitting and watching dangling our feet, swollen because of how much we walked barefoot on the roads and used them to sweep the pains of the whole country.   At…

In a hundred years none of us will exist

ALAA HASANIN – Translated by: Ibrahim AL-Sharif In a hundred years none of us will exist none of our big dreams our small ones our nightmares our sleeping pills the hours of long insomnia nor the depression bouts our morning anxiety our old alarm clocks that don’t work the traffic jams and pouting people nor…

Even the river wishes it would dry up

ALAA HASANIN – Translated by:Ibrahim Al-Sharif   Every evening the night puts its soft hand in mine and cries, shivering like a little child, and I listen to the night that is crying because the morning always leaves before it can get to it.   The night says, with overwhelming sadness: morning seems like a…

And our life, cousin, is punctured, it does not sail

ALAA HASANIN -Translated by: Ibrahim Al-sharif   We don’t have mothers we have sins, gravel over the pathways and salt in the old wounds   we don’t have friends we have a long echo after our long call, ghosts that leave and don’t return, seats we lend to passers by and empty endings for the…

قصيدة: لا تدينني الحياة بشيء – آلاء حسانين

قصيدة: لا تدينني الحياة بشيء – آلاء حسانين

لا تدينني الحياة بشيء، وكذلك أنا. عندما يتخمر دميلا أقول: لماذا لا يزحف قمر ويقفز إلى حجري؟ وعندما يرمي شعاع حر قبلة نحويلا أنظر للخلف وأقول: لماذا تخطئني القبلات؟ ويومًا، حين تذوب حياتي منتظرة ومتطلعة لأقمار أبعدوقبلات أرق.. لن أقول: لماذا أبحرت أطرافي بعيدًا.. سأرتب نفسيرملة فوق رملة وأقول: في أقل من ليل خبأت ذئابًا وحيدة في دخان قلبي مسحت عن الكلمة النائية ضبابًا نطقت بالشجر المنسيّ ومررت متخشبًا…